All relationships are unique, some lasting for a lifetime, some for many years, and others are short-term as people come and go within our lives.

We cannot expect all our relationship needs to be met by one or two people! Family relationships are the first ones we experience, and if our early years are happy, stable, safe and secure with lots of love, affection and trust, then this will become our expectation for the future.

Some relationships are closer than others – based on trust, love and respect, others are less important to us and some are just casual. Think about the people in your life who you do different things with or share interests with.

“Don’t chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard. The right people – the ones who really belong in your life – will come to you. And stay.” Will Smith

Our early journeys through life can determine the sort of person we look for as a lifelong partner. If you have grown up with just one parent, then you may be looking to fill that “gap” in your life. Many children blame themselves for family break downs and this blame continues into adulthood. A child’s perception of the adult world is very different from the reality of their parents’ relationship.

Another factor in ALL relationships both at work and home are our belief and value systems. If we have vastly different beliefs and values, then it is unlikely that the relationship will last. Think of the people closest to you and the reason you get on is that you have a lot in common. The same things are important to you both.

If you are unaware of your own beliefs and values as well as those of the people around you, then the relationship will be at risk. Many parent / teenage relationships hit a rough patch when the young person is testing their own beliefs and values against those of their parents.


  1. Affairs / infidelity / cheating
  2. Sexual Problems,
  3. Lack of communication and /or support
  4. Life stages – you have ‘outgrown’ each other
  5. Traumatic and/or Life-Changing Events
  6. Financial Problems – redundancy
  7. Problems with children, infertility
  8. Health issues – physical and emotional
  9. Responsibility for elderly parents
  10. Domestic violence
  11. Unequal sharing of responsibilities
  12. Unrealistic Expectations
  13. Addictions – alcohol, drugs, gambling etc
  14. Long term absence (In armed services, working away from home or in prison)
  15. Long-term stress at work

So why come to STRESSWORX?  Discover how you can break down the barriers from the past to allow you to move forward and find peace of mind.