Home Working – Pain or Pleasure ?




Go to work – don’t go to go to work, it’s confusing! After six months of working from home during lockdown, some people welcomed catching up with colleagues, even if it was just for one day a week. Others were hesitant and some bosses were happy to keep personnel at home.
What does this mean for your stress levels?
Going to work gave us structure and purpose – we got up at a certain time, wore our working clothes, got to work and home again at regular times, with a lunch break in between. These familiar patterns have now gone and the self-discipline that went with them too.
Working from home has some benefits. like being able to work in your pj’s, greater flexibility with time, and fewer interruptions which could prompt greater productivity. However, there is a tendency to work during your “travel time”, not bother with a proper lunch break and if you live and work alone it can be quite lonely and stressful without face to face contact.
The HSE Stress Management Standards were designed for the working environment, but are they relevant for home working? Have a look and see what you think. https://lnkd.in/gGmFPWt

There is a useful workbook that can be downloaded as well as the Stress Management Indicator Tool Kit